XPS for Beginners

Data Analysis 7

Open the dataset by downloading from the link above and opening in CasaXPS.

  1. Quantify the C, O, N and S contents in Sulfanilamide from the survey spectra
  2. Quantify the ratio between Ce 4p and Ce 3d (should be 50:50!)
  3. Quantify the Mo:Te ratio from the region spectra (should be 50:50)
  4. Quantify the O:V ratio in VO2

Quantifying from a survey is very simple:

  1. Open the library (F10)
  2. Go to the periodic table tab
  3. Select the elements of interest
  4. Click create regions
  5. Success!


Now of course, we should go to the survey and check the regions look sensible. Zoom in on the peaks by drawing a box with the left mouse button around the peak and click inside the box you just drew. If anything looks wrong, adjust the regions (check the average width is set to 1 for survey scans).


First create regions on your Ce 3d and Ce 4p peaks. Now we want to bring up our quantification annotation.


  1. Open the annotation window (F9)
  2. Open the quantification tab
  3. With regions selected, click apply
  4. Now, with this window open, highlight the blocks you want to quantify and the At% will appear in the table
  5. Approx. 50:50!


Repeat the steps from the cerium example, but make sure you only analyse the Mo peaks! This sample was cleaned using Ar+ ions and as a result, some have become embedded in the surface. You should be able to see a very slight different in doublet separation between the doublets!


Firstly, we need to put our regions in for quantification:

V 2p:



O 1s:



Next, we want to access the region quantification page. First, highlight the blocks to be quantified (1). Then, in the quantify region, go to the report spec tab (2). Go to regions (3), then region quant table (4) and click select.



This will open a new window with our quantification:



Here we can see our O:V ratio is roughly 2:1! Great!


If you want to export these results to EXCEL, click the ‘Export tab ascii to clipboard icon highlighted above.