XPS for Beginners

Fundamentals 1
  • While core orbitals all have their general place in the overall spectrum – small changes to binding energy may be observed due to changes to the nature of the emitting atom
  • We can model these changes to determine the chemical nature of our surfaces
  • One obvious way in which an atom may change is by changing oxidation state
  • If a metal centre transitions from it’s zero-valent form to it’s ionized form upon complexation with an anion/ligand it will obtain an overall positive charge
  • Since electron density has been removed, the nucleus will now exert a greater pull upon the remaining electrons – effectively increasing the binding energy
  • As well as oxidation state, the neighbouring atoms play a role in determining the binding energy of a core orbital
  • Tungsten atoms with the same oxidation state may show differing binding energies
  • Electronegative ions withdraw electron density from the target atom – producing a positive dipole and increasing the binding energy of the core orbital
  • Auger peaks are secondary electron emissions
  • Following a photoemission, electrons in higher energy orbitals may relax to fill the newly created core-hole
  • This relaxation releases energy in the form of X-rays
  • These X-rays may then excite another electron to the point of photoemission
  • Due to the nature of Auger electrons, they tend to be more affected by changes to the valence structure (i.e. bonding) than core orbitals
  • One way this can be of use is the Auger parameter
  • This involves subtracting the kinetic energy of the related core orbital from that of the auger emission

α = EK(Auger) – EK(Core)


  • This was later developed into the modified Auger parameter in order to be independent of excitation energy
  • The parameter may be used to probe oxidation states where core level spectroscopy cannot

α’ = EK(Auger) + EB(Core)

Pt (IV)


Binding energy scales with oxidation state (with a few exceptions), so in order of increasing binding energy goes: Pt(0), Pt(II) and Pt(IV).

Pt (II)


Binding energy scales with oxidation state (with a few exceptions), so in order of increasing binding energy goes: Pt(0), Pt(II) and Pt(IV).

Pt (0)


Binding energy scales with oxidation state (with a few exceptions), so in order of increasing binding energy goes: Pt(0), Pt(II) and Pt(IV).



  • NbO BE ~ 203.7 eV
  • NbO2 BE ~ 206.2 eV
  • Nb2O5 BE ~ 207.4 eV



  • NbO BE ~ 203.7 eV
  • NbO2 BE ~ 206.2 eV
  • Nb2O5 BE ~ 207.4 eV



  • NbO BE ~ 203.7 eV
  • NbO2 BE ~ 206.2 eV
  • Nb2O5 BE ~ 207.4 eV

Al X-rays



KE = hv – BE – Φ

So, increase energy of X-rays (hv), increase the outgoing kinetic energy!

Mg X-rays



KE = hv – BE – Φ

So, increase energy of X-rays (hv), increase the outgoing kinetic energy!